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“Sleep-Easy” Remedy

In times of stress honey can induce sleep when combined with camomile tea or warm milk.
Drink before retiring to bed to enjoy a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

  • 1 Teabag of Camomile (or a cup of milk)
  • 2 Teaspoons of ‘Byron Honey – Raw and Natural’

Make a cup of camomile tea (or warm milk) and stir in the honey only when cooled down to a moderate temperature

“Rise ‘n Shine” Morning Tonic

Taken first thing in the morning before breakfast it can have a refreshing affect on your body and soul. You will enjoy many benefits: it acts as a laxative, cleanses your senses, your liver and helps with skin problems.

  • ½ lemon, juice only
  • 3 teaspoons ‘Byron Honey – Raw and Natural’
Mix honey with 150ml (1 Glass) of lukewarm water, add lemon juice and stir until dissolved.

“Godzilla” Hangover Tonic

This recipe has two parts. The first one can be applied as a precautionary drink before going out for a ‘big’ night. The second part applies as a liver tonic after the event.

Part 1:

  • 1 tablespoon ‘Byron Honey – Raw and Natural’
  • 150ml (1 Glass) of milk

Before going out mix 1 tablespoon honey with milk and drink to line stomach

Part 2:

  • 1 Tablespoon ‘Byron Honey – Raw and Natural’
  • 1 Lemon, juice only

On returning home before retiring to bed mix honey with lemon and 150ml of water. This tonic will enhance liver function and prevent headaches in the morning.

“Honey ‘n Herb” Cold’s Syrup

 For relief of colds and flus try this remedy. Sage is an ancient herb to alleviate fever, aches and pain. It’s best to take fresh sage, but it is also efficient in dried form.

  • 1 teaspoon of fresh or ½ tsp of dried sage
  • 3 tablespoons of ‘Byron Honey – Raw and Natural’
  • 2 tablespoons cider-vinegar.
  • Steep sage for 10 minutes in ½ cup of boiling water, then remove sage and cool down.
  • Pour vinegar, sage water and honey into a screw-top jar and shake vigorously until mixed well.
  • Take 2 teaspoons every two hours until symptoms disappear



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The information on this website is meant to provide helpful details, but it's essential to remember that it's for informational purposes only. We have made every effort to ensure the information's accuracy on this website. However, we strongly recommend that you double-check important details.